This post is going to very briefly describe how I've been feeling the past two weeks being here in La Gomera- and yes its actually Lara writing it!
Being surrounded by incredible people who are also taking on this challenge, and hearing everyone's stories about their "why" has made me realise that the world has some amazing people in it, doing incredible things for such worthwhile causes.
I've been quite emotional while out here, missing my dad so much that the pain of him not being here aches. I wish so much that he could be with me this morning, check comms, lines, food everything down to the final details. But in my heart I know he's watching me, sharing with me in this adventure that is about to start.
Popadom (my dad's nickname) is the reason I am who I am- particular, determined and downright stubborn. So as I pack up my final few things from my room, and head down to the boat to start my 3000 mile journey, I'll be thinking of all the other teams on their journeys but especially my wonderful family, boyfriend and friends who I can't wait to see on the other side.
Lara Out.